Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Most Dangerous Software :)

Dear Support
Subject: Find Bugs in Program

I was upgraded from Girlfriend 7.0 into Wife 1.0 last year. I found that this program has a weird symptom. It's devour a lot of spaces & valuable resources and never been noticed by the product brochure.

Wife 1.0 was self-installed and run automatically. Moreover, it'll check the other programs status so often. The other programs like Gambling10.3, Pub2.5 and HangAround5.0 cannot run and cause system failure. I have considered rollback to use Girlfriend 7.0 BUT the uninstaller cannot run. Please HELP me and Thanks for the reply.
From Problematic User


Dear Problematic User
Subject: Explain Bugs of the program
This is a major problem that many clients were contacted the support team lately. But I have to explain about this problem. This problem might be comes from the misunderstood of many users who upgrade to Wife 1.0 may think of this software as Utilities & Entertainment application. But Wife 1.0 is actually an Operating System that the creator designed to take control over the system. And it seem to be that you cannot remove Wife 1.0 or rollback to Girlfriend7.0 because the system will simulate the Girlfriend7.0 to run as Wife 1.0.

So it is useless to do that. There were some users try to install Girlfriend 8.0 or Paramour 2.0 but it'll eventually cause more problems.

We recommend you to read software manual in subject "fine". We recommend you to use Wife1.0 carefully and I want you to install c:\Yes.Darling program for prevent the conflict that may happen using Wife 1.0

The best way to fix the problem that c:\Yes.Darling can not handle is to call a command "c;\I'm_Sorry.Honey". This command will fix system status to normal (or maybe cooldown the system a bit in case of overheated).

Wife 1.0 is a good application but need a lot of care. You should buy some additional software to increase system performance such as Flower 2.0.1, and Jewelry 5.1.2. You should avoid of install some softwares such as SexySecretary36.24.36 because it's not support by Wife 1.0 and have a high chances of system crashes.

We wish you luck after use this program as you will used it for you life....